Monday, October 31, 2005

the seinfeld approach.

after stumbling over my good friend jeff's blogger, unfortunately titled daily pilgrimage i am now forced to update my blogger as well.

darn you, jeff. darn you to heck!

in one of jeff's latest title-crippling accounts, he talked, or more acturately typed, that while he often zips out a title faster than the critically acclaimed greased lightnin' incident of february 6th 2005, i put careful thought into much thought as over two months he claims.

by alas, my dear friend jeff sherry, i haven't spent these two-plus months breaking my mind, body and spirit to come up with just the right title for my next blogging event.

...uh, i just kinda forgot i had this thing.

so ha to you, mr. sherry. i say ha!

i simply take what i like to call 'the seinfeld approach'. every title starts with 'the'. pretty simple, yet affective.


i've been spending my days with my pregnant wife stephanie, preparing in any and every form possible for the quickly approaching birth of our daughter.



just kidding.

we haven't decided on a name yet. although we're leaning towards emma grace. if you have any suggestions...well, suggest them.

the rest of my time has been stretched over work at nite and writing in an e-fed i recently joined after over two years of hiatus from the 'game'. the particular e-fed i am a member of is the cwf and i'm doing quite well. go me.

well, i'd love to write more, but i have to go grocery shopping with some hot brunette.

and by 'hot brunette' i mean my wife.

oh yeah.