Wednesday, February 16, 2005

the untitled or titleless.

i'm not sure what to title this post as of yet. perhaps as i unleash the several days of non-posting momentarily, by the end of my rant i will have found peace of mind...

and a title.

or i'll just call it something lame like, "untitled" or "titleless".

we'll see.

of course if you're reading this on my website, i've already posted it, therefore i've already titled it and i've wasted precious moments of my life jabbering on about my query of coming up with a title for this post.

the post you are reading right now.




i'm sorry.

i haven't updated in a long time.

a long time.

i'm gonna stop spacing like this because it's annoying me.

brandon is standing in jeff's room right now. that's where i am, too. he's jewish. well, he's half jewish. the point is, he has a butt the likes of moby dick's circumference. not really...but still. he has a big backside where i, among others, assume his dairy aire is filled with money.

after all...he is jewish.

i had to shave my sideburns today. not completely, but some. you see, at bbc they have rules. stupid rules. yes, some are good, but others - the majority, it seems - are ridiculous. they can't be below your earlobe.

and mine are.

argh! - were.

as you can probably tell, i'm a little perturbed about the issue.

ah, well.

i was probably gonna write more things in this post. but i've lost my will to write.

maybe next time.

and oh, yeah...

it's cup of job, not cup of job.

just thought i'd clarify.

don't want any confusion on the name there.

glad i cleared that up.

have a day.

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