Wednesday, August 10, 2005

the canadian-esque.

ever have your heart skip a beat? in that one instant you are forced to come to terms with your own mortality. the reality that one day, not very far off, your heart is going to completely stop pumping.

it really makes you think.

i have to admit that the above statement was from a draft that i began writing on 4.14.05. after reading jeff's second to last post i've been inspired, via by jeff's boldness and fortitude to 'man up', so to speak, or because of our shared shame of being to procrastination what hulk hogan and bret hart are to professional wrestling. i'm pretty sure it's the latter. whatever the case, lets get on with this...i really hate italics.'s been a while, eh?

why do i write 'eh'? i don't say 'eh' in my everyday life, not even on some sort of secretive, self-holy, set-aside day in, let's say, late october, where i make it a point to showcase the candian-esque word.

and why do i write in long, how-be-it, really cool and humorous sounding stints? again, i don't talk like this.

maybe it's the 'filmmaker' thing. where every director shows you through his or her's movies how they see the world, or, more likely, would like to see it.

i wish i talked like that. i think i do, anyway. on a quick-ended second thought, i don't. because then you always have to talk like that.

and that is alot of pressure. i can't live up to those kind of expectations. i can't even pass academic seminar.

wow, it feels really good to be writing again. i just had to tell you. and by 'you' i mean jeff and any other unsuspecting fool who stumbles over this blog.

i'm getting married saturday.

yeah, me, married. who thought that was possible. a woman who will, soberly, and purposely want to enter into holy matrimony with me.

incase you haven't picked up on it yet, i'll let you in on a little secret.


i'm pessimistic.

i know, shocking.

i'm also quite sarcastic, apparently.

or just a prick.

you decide. or better yet, i'll just admit to it. no, not that i'm a prick, that i'm sarcastic.


like i said before, i'm getting married saturday. my good friends jeff sherry AKA robin williams and kyle williams AKA boomhower are coming in from the 'heart of it all', ohio, tomorrow. jeff will be driving, and be coming back for good, while kyle has chosen the easier, and smarter vehicle, of flying. of course, he leaves sunday morning.

i've given jeff the old 'AKA' of said actor and comedian, because their likenesses are strinkingly similar, especially when looking at the film 'good will hunting' where williams sports a well-grown beard.

unfortunately, that's where the similarities stop. williams is rich, talented and surely has a large bookshelf-like container hosting his many acting awards. but to be fair, jeff is way funnier than him.

as for kyle...well...he just looks and talks kinda like boomhower. yep.

my third, and final, groomsmen, patrick teal AKA mac donalds, resides in springfield, and even if he lived out-of-state, couldn't get here because of his car...or lack-there-of.

his 'AKA' derides from his pronunciation of the restaurant mcdonalds. he is from alabama, though, so cut him a break.

i'm extremely nervous about the aforementioned wedding. it's a big deal. it's not like you get married everyday. this is for good. for life. for keeps.

i think it's healthy to be nervous. and to be honest, i think there is something is every man, or in my case, boy, that fights to the very last second of existence to be free. unbound. unbridled. free as a sorry. lynyrd skynyrd quotes are vital to the continuation of society. or the end of it. i guess we'll see.

although i've never liked the drama and risk and everything else that goes along with dating and meeting someone new, sometimes you just want to be able to hop in your car, or if you don't have a convertible and can't actually 'hop' in, or have a convertible and just feel it's foolish to 'hop' in, or more likely, you'd probably come up short and either fall onto the pavement and risk a tailbone injury or land precariously on the door itself...the point is, sometimes you just need to feel like you can do and go whatever and wherever you please, even if you wouldn't actually do or go anything or anywhere.

how's that for a run-on sentence?

stephanie is absolutely the one for me. the fact that i've known her for eight months and she still communicates to me, and not by means of restraining orders, is still to this day astounding to me.

the stress of planning the wedding. the cake, the decorations, the dress, the tuxes, the church, the every little microscopic detail...and my less than glowing and growing relationship between stephanie's mother and sister make things interesting, to say the least.

i'll just be glad when it's over. i know how grim and unwanting that sounds, but it's true. we're both so stressed right now that it defies simple logistics that one, or both of us, hasn't killed a person, or even a small animal, yet.

'yet' being the key-word.

without hopefully becoming a umteen-offense liar, i'll end with these words:

i think i'll start updating this blog reguarly.

i know what you're thinking.

"yeah right." eh?

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